Over 350 B2B meetings held between Aragonese and international companies at MTBA 2024

25 purchasing managers from 13 countries visited the region seeking to expand their network of suppliers in the agri-food, industrial and construction sectors.

Very favorable outcome after the third Meet The Buyer Aragón event organized by Aragón Exterior, the trade and investment agency of the regional Government of Aragón (Spain): The visit of 25 buyers from international companies resulted in more than 350 meetings held with 130 Aragonese companies and 70 visits to facilities throughout the community.

The first of the two days, held in the city of Zaragoza, passed at the pace of 30-minute meetings that served as a first contact between international and Aragonese companies. 

The agri-food industry, with buyers from Europe (Belgium, French, Serbia, Greece, Poland, Finland), and Asia (Taiwan), were looking to expand their offer with differentiated, high-quality products and found attractive proposals in Aragon, both for traditional products such as extra virgin olive oil or ham, and for innovative proposals such as cheeses, sweets or meat products. The agri-food leg of the event was organized in collaboration with AIAA, the Association of Agrifood Industries of Aragón, and the regional quality brand Aragón Alimentos Nobles (“Noble Foods of Aragón”.  

In the industrial field, where international companies demand very specific services and certificates, buyers came from France, Spain, Germany and Turkey. Their companies work in sectors such as energy, railroads, aeronautics and defense. 

Five buyers of construction companies came all the way from Morocco, Azerbaijan, Panama, Nicaragua and France at the invitation of AREX and ANMOPYC, the Spanish Manufacturer Assotiation of Construction and Mining Equipment.

During the second day of the event, each buyer had an individual agenda of visits to the facilities of different companies, tailored according to their interests. Between all of them, they travelled hundreds of kilometers throughout the region, getting to know the premises and processes of the Aragonese companies.

The Meet The Buyer format allows Aragonese suppliers to meet with top international buyers and present their products free of charge. The buyers, for their part, welcome the opportunity to get to know the region and its supplier offering on site.

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